Jurisdiction and Fair Use Policy



It is not illegal to buy essays in the UK, but it is unlawful for us sell to anyone studying at any higher education institution in England.

By placing your order with BestEssayManchester.co.uk, you confirm that

You are not studying at an institution in England.

You will not use the work to assist you with a course you are studying at an institution in England. This only applies to students studying at an English institution, requesting a custom written essay service or similar. It does not apply to other services like proofreading. It doesn’t apply to students outside of England i.e. Scotland and Wales or other countries

If you provide information such as course materials within your order that suggest that you are studying at an institution in England or you are otherwise found to be studying at such an institution, your order shall be cancelled.

You will use the work responsibly for assistance with your learning and shall not hand it in or copy it in whole or part.


Fair Use Policy


Here at Best Essay Manchester, we help students make the most of their academic studies and gain the grades they deserve at the end. We’re passionate about education and proud to help them make the most of their university experience. The custom work we produce is one of the very best research tools a student could wish for and, when used correctly, can help boost coursework grades and examination results. Please see our fair use policy below, which outlines the way in which this work should be used.

How To Use Our Service Correctly

Our model essays and dissertations are learning aids to help improve your understanding of a topic. It is no different to your tutor showing you exactly how to answer a question. You should use your model answer as a guide to producing your own work, looking up the material the writer has used and developing your own ideas and arguments. We do not condone plagiarism and you should not be tempted to hand in the work as your own. Doing so would be a disservice to yourself and will prevent you from acquiring the knowledge you need to pass your course.

Is It Cheating?

Purchasing our product does not make you a cheat. In fact, it could make all the difference in helping you achieve the grades you deserve. By using our model answers service, we will furnish you with an accurate study guide/model essay, in a format that is no different to using journals, articles or any other information that your own tutor may provide. The work is not designed to be submitted but used as a basis for your own further research, helping you build on your knowledge to create your own original work.

Who Uses Us?

Any student not studying at an English institution who wishes to better their grade and improve their university experience is welcome to use Best Essays Manchester. There are a number of reasons you might wish to work with us:

  • English is not your first language and you are finding it difficult to extract the relevant information from your vast reading list.
  • You are not provided with example essays by your university and don’t know how to structure an academic
  • Your university tutor is not able to provide enough time or material to
  • Due to unforeseen circumstances such as personal illness or bereavement, tutorials have been
  • You cannot always get your tutors’ attention due to the large size of your university

Will My University Find Out I’ve Used This Service?

All dealings with Best Essay Manchester are confidential. We will not pass details of your identity to any third party, including your university or educational establishment. In the UK, we fully comply with the Data Protection Act 2018.